Facts van Gogh
Visit van Gogh
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Hackford Road, London

In 1873-1874, a 20-year-old Vincent van Gogh lived at 87 Hackford Road in Stockwell, London. During his long walks through the city and visits to cultural landmarks and galleries, Van Gogh became deeply inspired by British culture, artists, and writers. It was also here in London that Van Gogh fell in love for the first time with Eugenie Loyer, the 19 year old-daughter of his widowed landlady, Mrs. Ursula Loyer. Though this love was unrequited, Van Gogh’s time at Hackford Road is said to be some of the happiest of his life.

Opening in March 2019 after a major conservation project, The Van Gogh House London is conceived as an evolving opportunity to support emerging artists to make a living from their work in their lifetime - something Van Gogh himself was never able to achieve. The house is a space for research and learning; hosting contemporary exhibitions and artist residencies; alongside a programme of public tours, events and education activities with schools in the surrounding area and university courses. Established as a site of creative production pairing contemporary art and design with a sensitivity to materials, The Van Gogh House London remains dedicated to celebrating stories drawn from historic interiors alongside preserving Van Gogh’s remarkable legacy.  The house hopes to inspire artists, Londoners and visitors alike to share in Van Gogh’s London legacy.

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'How I Love London.'
Vincent van Gogh